Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Sock critter

I made my sock critter!!!
I am quite proud of him & finished him using felt for the "button" eyes & down the front of his belly.I think he looks a bit like a mouse especially as he has a tail.I will be giving him away,probably in a drop for the Toy Society.

Check out his bottom......he has an embroidered heart on it hand sewn with embroidery silk.

I am really getting back into my sewing again,maily because I have been making new blinds for our bedroom which I had re-decorated.I hope to have them finished this week which will be great as its been very hot waking up to a sunny bedroom this last few weeks.

My son has just recently moved to Vienna so I had a good clearout in his room.All his band t shirts I have decided to make into a quilt for him.He has collected so many .I have been surfing the net to find out how to do it .I think I am ready to make a start now.Just watch this space....