Sunday, 31 January 2010

Guilty Secrets....

I am always chatting to someone.At the show my friend & I got chatting to a lady who was drooling over the cloth on the Fabric Galore stand.I must admit it was fabulous .Anyway she was justifying to herself her need for some sumptuous Liberty lawn & she admitted she wouldnt probably use it for ages as she found it really difficult to cut into lovely fabric & it stayed in her stash.She said it was her "guilty secret"!!!

I thought of all the different things that I had stashed away & everyone else I knew who had a fetish for certain things.How many of you are there who has a penchant for maybe some special type of make-up or some paper or stationary.You know who you are!!!!

With me it can be fabric or some yarn or card making items or even a packet of seeds!!
Here are some more Quilts from the show.

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