Friday, 29 January 2010

TGI friday!!!!

Its been a long week.The cold weather has eaten into my bones & when I have not been working I have slept like a door mouse ,missed most TV (I doubt that was a huge loss) & generally not done much more than knit my WIP. seems like its taking just about forever ,but , I have about 9 more inches to go to the end of the main piece then the endless border to do.I shall have to block it before long ,cue pins in carpet & dogs getting in the way!!
Some of you who know me realise just how girly I am & know that is because I am living in quite a mans world & its stamps my identity somewhat.I grew up being the first girl in the family for over 60 years.I have Maisie & Peggy as my girly comrades but even that seems to have gone by the board!!
Here is Maisie Magweed joining in with the boys playing her paw at Poker!!!


Ravenhill said...

These photos of the card playing adorable pup are marvelous! I just wonder who is going to win? :)
Happy weekend and enjoy your projects!

I used to be Gigi Minor - but now I'm Annie Kight said...

I think your dog is thinking "Were are my chips? I know I could win this hand!"